Reports, Papers, Briefs

Latest Publications 

WRI synthesized ten years of its primary data to outline, explore, and highlight the role and impact of public transportation, in Southern New Jersey 

Transportation Accessibility in Southern New Jersey: Barriers, Effects, and Considerations

December 2023

Commissioned by the Pascale Sykes Foundation, this report highlights findings from WRI’s ten-year evaluation of the Strengthening Families Initiative

Strengthening Families Initiative Evaluation 

October 2022

This report provides a summary of the findings of the Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA) for Gloucester, Cumberland, and Salem Counties 

Inspira Health Community Health Needs Assessment 2022-2024 

October 2022

This report outlines the workforce development barriers and opportunities that both employers and job seekers face in the Southern New Jersey region 

Seeking Work in Southern New Jersey 

October 2022