Camden County Police Department: Crime Analysis, Technical Assistance, and Consultation 

Authors: Louis Tuthill, Ph.D., Principal Investigator; Tracy A. Swan, MPA, MCJ, Senior Project Administrator, Community Development  In 2013, facing high levels of crime, Camden, New Jersey transferred policing responsibilities to their surrounding county agency. The Camden County Police Department (CCPD) received a grant from the Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS Office) to explore… continue reading

Are South Jersey School Districts prepared for the next recession? All South Jersey school districts – Updated October 2020 

Authors: Michael Hayes, PhD, Community Organization and Development  This study examines the current financial condition of school districts in southern New Jersey and also identifies those school districts that are most financially vulnerable to a potential economic downturn This follow up brief examines the financial status of all 179 school districts in southern New Jersey. 

CHNA: Executive Summary 

Authors: Sarah Allred, Ph.D., Population Health  Summarizing findings of the 2019 CHNA completed for the South Jersey Health Collaborative: Cooper University Health Care, Jefferson Health, Lourdes Health System, Virtua Health, Burlington County Health Department, Camden County Department of Health and Human Services, and Gloucester County Department of Health and Human Services. 

Community Health Needs Assessment 

Authors: Sarah Allred, Ph.D., Population Health  CHNA report completed for South Jersey Collaborative: Cooper University Health Care, Jefferson Health, Lourdes Health System, Virtua Health, Burlington County Health Department, Camden County Department of Health and Human Services, and Gloucester County Department of Health and Human Services in Camden, Burlington, Salem and Gloucester Counties.